Moving away from frequent meetings, we leave behind the focus on routine operations and firmly fix our sights on broader business strategy. These meetings typically last at least half a day. However, quarterly planning meetings can last a full day or more, depending on the size and scope of the business’s strategic goals. These can sometimes be combined with team strategy away days and often paired well with the team out day agenda ideas.
These meetings are the right place to give status updates on broader strategic goals and include the input of the senior leadership and management team. A quarterly planning meeting agenda must be finalized and shared at least a week before the meeting. This gives all attendees adequate time to prepare.
A quarterly management meeting agenda will typically cover the following points:
- Revisit original strategy
- Clarify business goals and objectives
- Review the past quarter’s developments concerning these goals
- Review targets and expectations for the next quarter
- Set benchmarks
- Celebrate victories
- Share key learnings
- Create and commit to a 90-day plan for the coming quarter.
Most quarterly meetings feature frequent breaks – usually 15-minute breaks every 90 minutes. These regular breaks let team members chat about the meeting’s discussion topics, tackle challenging issues and work collaboratively on solutions without wasting time during scheduled agenda discussions. These meetings should feel like a collective group effort rather than a tightly managed lecture.